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Standard Post with Gallery

Meokrnje on the top of the world

Presentation of Proceedings from the round table "Meokrnje - Symbol of the fight against fascism"

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Standard Post with Gallery

Director of the Institute for the Investigation of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law, prof. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović, re-elected president of the council of the social sciences group

Director of the Institute for Research on Crimes Against Humanity and International Law at the University of Sarajevo, prof. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović was unanimously elected president of the Council.

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Standard Post with Gallery

In addition to murals of war criminals, murals dedicated to Kosovo and Russia are sprouting up in Visegrad

Ermin Kuka, senior research associate of the Institute for Crime Research, commented on the painting of the mural in Višegrad.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Remembering the war crime in Grabovica

And this anniversary passed without finding out about the fate of 17 people who are still missing.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Crimes against the Croatian population in the villages of Grabovica, Uzdol and Trusina in 1993

The Cantonal Court in Mostar conducted a trial against the perpetrators of the crime in Grabovica and convicted three, and the Cantonal Court in Sarajevo convicted two members of the 9th mtbr 1st K ARBiH.

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