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Standard Post with Gallery

Džananović: Goražde was in a concentration camp, but the aggressor did not count on brave defenders

From May 4, 1992, Goražde lived in a kind of concentration camp. The Great Serbian aggressor knew that the local population had no weapons to offer adequate resistance.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Day of Remembrance of Murdered Children Goražde: Murders of children happened continuously, no one was held accountable for the crimes

After this date, during the 1,336-day long siege, the continuous murders of children continued, and after three decades of the terrible events in Goražde, on the initiative of Amar Imamović, May 14 was declared the Day of Remembrance of the Murdered Child

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Standard Post with Gallery

The book "Emergence of the Republic of Serbia: From Regionalization to Strategic Goals" was promoted in Goražde.

At the promotion, which was attended by a large number of Goražde citizens, it was pointed out that the authors received an offer from a reputable British publisher to publish the book in English.

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Standard Post with Gallery

After the news about the construction of the HVO museum: Historical and judicial facts about the Heliodrom camp

After all the presented historical and judicially established facts, the question remains: Should this be made a monument by building a museum?

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Standard Post with Gallery

Sarajevo - 1425 days of siege

Television Slovenia 1 made a documentary on the 30th anniversary of the siege of Sarajevo called: "Sarajevo, 1425 dni groze" (Sarajevo - 1425 days of horror)

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